GROOOOMIN standards!
True story, after I got off active duty Marines in 1992, I reported to a Naval Reserve Unit in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. It took a couple of months for my orders to go through so when I reported in, my hair had already hit the limits and was 3 inches on top; hey college already started for me.
Anyway, I reported in, started work, and then ran into a Marine SSgt that was assigned to the TOW unit (tube-launched, Optically-tracked, and wire-guided weapon system). The guy was a former drill instructor and he took it upon himself to chew my butt out about my sloppy haircut. I was still barely in regs and thought it was funny, which only exacerbated the situation.
Years later, when I went back in and joined the Army, I shaved my head completely bald and never had that issue again. There, those are my Veterans’ Day stories. Now I sport my Viking mohawk and never look back.
Long live the high and loose!
Mr. Z
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